
Q Change setting parameter, eg. firmware average count



  1. define storage space for setting
  2. read setting from flash or memory
  3. change setting
  4. write back setting back to flash or memory.

There is a RAM space reserved for frequently used parameters to avoid frequent flash writes. Try to update flash content very infrequently.


// 4 data structure stored in the flash. return one of them, use index (0,1,2,3) to indicate which one.
// pre-allocate the space for p_data, it is 128bytes. cast to the structure defined in myusb.h
// -1==failure, 0==success
extern “C” INTERFACE_API int XSPEC_get_SpecConfig0123(USB_SPEC *ptr,char *p_data, int index);

// 4 data structure stored in the flash. return one of them, use index (0,1,2,3) to indicate which one.
// create the data for p_data, it is 128bytes. use get_SpecConfig() to get the entire structure. Modify the one you need
// to change and put the data structure back using this function.
// return number of bytes sent, -1==failure,
extern “C” INTERFACE_API int XSPEC_write_SpecConfig(USB_SPEC *ptr,char *p_data, int index);
//only update the setting0 in memory, not update the flash
extern “C” INTERFACE_API int XSPEC_update_config_mem(USB_SPEC *ptr,char *p_data);
// download program page by page into the flash. index start from 0, page_size is the flash page size, it may differ depending on which ucontroller is used. 128 or 256
// return number of bytes sent, -1==failure,

XSPEC_get_SpecConfig0123(USB_SPEC *ptr, (char *) &setting0, 0);

setting0->average=10; // firmware average

XSPEC_update_config_mem(USB_SPEC *ptr, (char *) &setting0); //update memory only


XSPEC_write_SpecConfig(USB_SPEC *ptr,  (char *) &setting0, 0); //permanent flash change, update memory as well



Q Version 2011, TCD1304, data format


[0]16bits,PACKET_START, (0xE1)
[1]16bits,TYPE(TRIG_CMD 0x51),
[2]16bits,SIZE(received size in bytes),  3684*2 for TCD1304DG
[3]16bits,Type of detector. TCD1304=0, Hama S1115X 1

[4-5]32bit  Number of data sets were ready to be sent, due to the transmission speed, some might got dropped. Used in continuous read.
[6-7]32bit, Data sets sent through the USB. Used in continuous read.
[8-9]32bit, start time, Used in continuous read.  divide by 3 to us
[10-11]32bit, integration time, if integration < 3720, subtract 0x80000000, else divide by 3
if(current_data->real_integ_time & 0x80000000)
temp.Format(_T(“S%dus”), current_data->real_integ_time& 0x7FFFFFFF);
double dtemp;
unsigned int integ;
integ=(unsigned int)dtemp;
temp.Format(_T(“N%dus”), integ);

[12-13]32bit ID, passed in XSPEC_measure. if EXTERNAL Trig, default is  #define EXT_TRIG_ID 0xE1234567, overwritten by ID in  XSPEC_measure
[14-15]32bit TEMPERATURE, call double XSPEC_get_temperature(unsigned int bits);

[START_DARK-1]16bits, Average Dark current,  avg_dark
[START_DARK-2]16bits, Number of spectrums where the Average Dark Current was taken.  avg_dark_counter
START_DARK is different from different detector. For TCD1304 it is 19. Check the setting
#define START_DARK 19
#define TOTAL_DARK 13
#define DATA_START 37
#define DATA_END 3684

Q 你們光譜儀有LIBS應用的快門裝置麼?


AHR 快門光譜儀系列支持LIBS 快門。 最小觸發到積分開始時間為31.25ns. 變化間隔15.625ns. 積分時間可調範圍3us-67s.


Q 光柵最佳安裝方法


光柵面是最佳安裝面。 因為基板和光柵都是光柵面定位。

用戶有用邊定位, 背面定位, 但需要矯正裝置把光柵微調固定在一個機械裝置上。 如果沒有矯正裝置, 每次安裝誤差不好控制。

Q 貴公司能在我提供的要求下幫我設計光柵麼?



我們有跑樣服務, 提供設計服務和幾片樣品。 費用需要看具體設計。