
1. 中文說明書

中文軟件說明書: specsoft_manualc.pdf

軟件安裝/驅動安裝/更新說明. software_driver _install.pdf

2. USB Driver

Driver is available for winxp, Win7 64/32bit.

  • For windows 8.1 Use this utility to install the driver.

Make sure select “libusb-win32 (v1.2.6.0)”

Zadig for Windows Vista or later

in http://zadig.akeo.ie/

3. Spectrometer Interface DLL (DLL)

Visual C++ 2010 DLL source code and binary:

Version 2.2 interface04182015.rar

Version 2.3 interface05012016.rar

RS232 updates support partial spectrum.

Version 2.4 interface04012021.rar

Version 2.5 interface06302022.rar

4. Sample program that use DLL

DOS Control program.

The DOS program is compiled using Visual C++ 6.0. It can serve a simple example. And it can be easily modified to work on Linux.

Download xspec_control.rar      DOS USB control program.

Download  xspec_control_rs232.rar DOS RS232 control program written in Microsoft Visual Studio C++ V2010.

AN120_rs232connection_v2.pdf  rs232 connection document.


User can run shell script file to automate some data acquisition. Say you want to measure the linearity of the system by measuring the wavelength(pixel)  vs. Integration time.


The script requires cygwin to run. http://www.cygwin.com



let time=10

for((i=10;i<3000;i+=50)); do

  ./xspec_control.exe -a -I$i;

  str=`./xspec_control.exe -a -m -n 22| grep “^794 “`

  echo “$i $str”;



XSPEC USB control example on LINUX


XSPEC RS232 control example on LINUX



5. Windows GUI Program

Spec_soft GUI on windows provides a basic interface to both Concavus and AHR family of spectrometers. Since it needs to handle high frame rate, it is written in Visual C++ for high perfomrance. It has the following functions.

  1.  Graphical display of the spectrum in pixel or wavelength.
  2.  Averaging, dark noise subtraction.
  3.  Wavelength Calibration.
  4.  Find peaks and measure FWHM.
  5.  Absorbance, Transmittance, Reflectance or oscilloscope measurement.
  6. 3D display of the spectrum.
  7. DFT of the spectrum.
  8. Supports multiple CONCAVUS & AHR spectrometers.
  9. Linearity Calibration



6. Firmware releases


sam7.bin : sam7 products.

normal_shutter.bin less than 4ms is shutter mode, above 4ms is normal mode. Charge carry over from previous read.

shutter_mode.bin : Using all shutter mode. No charge carry over from previous read.


SAM3U only. normal shutter mode.  less than 4ms is shutter mode, above 4ms is normal mode. Charge carry over from previous read.

Support both USB and RS232

Contact us for firmware customization.